
This website is a platform for reviewing products sold online and is not a retailer or online pharmacy. By purchasing products from the websites named herein, the purchaser confirms that this website is in no way responsible for a return or refund. This website simply discusses the differences between medications such as prescription sleeping tablets, generic medications purchased online and medications like over the counter sleeping pills. All disputes and refunds are to be handled by the 3rd party.

Faulty Products

As part of the regular undertaking of this website, we may direct people to online pharmacies that sell medications such as sleeping tablets, or strong painkiller pills. The customer may also be directed to online pharmacies that sell anti-anxiety medication and cognitive enhancers called nootropics. The decision to purchase these products is solely the responsibility of the buyer, and this review website is not responsible for the purchase of faulty products.

In the event that a faulty product is purchased, the customer is advised to contact the online pharmacy in question and speak to their customer service team. In most cases, the item will be replaced however this is at the discretion of the online pharmacy and in no way is it the responsibility of this review website. Any dispute resolution is to occur between the customer and the online pharmacy - this review website is in no way involved with the sale, return or refund of any medications.


In the event of non-delivery, the customer should refer to the policy of the online pharmacy first and foremost. This may involve contacting the online pharmacy or using a tracking ID to contact the delivery partner directly. As this website is only responsible for the review of medications, we are unable to assist in this regard.

When making a purchase from an online pharmacy, be sure to read all pertinent information, including the information regarding the medication such as the sleeping pills side effects. It is also advisable to read all policies and procedures in the event of faulty products or non-delivery and to become familiar with product information such as sleeping tablets names.

How do I get a refund?

As this review website does not sell medications, or handle cash or digital currency in any way, we are unable to offer a refund on any product or service. In the event that a refund is required the customer should first check the policies of the online pharmacy where the purchase was made, and refer to the instructions on how to contact the appropriate customer service team. We are unable to mediate or assist in any way to help a customer receive a refund from a third-party website.

We trust that you have found all of the information available on this website to be accurate and beneficial in the search to find the best medications online. We endorse only the best online pharmacies, but as with any business mistakes and discrepancies can happen. Our vetting process eliminates most of these errors, but in the event they do happen it is best to contact the store directly. Thank you for reading the reviews at

Content Published: 01 February 2023
Date for Review: February 2024